Shoulder Surgery Shirt
A shoulder surgery shirt is the innovation to get you through post-surgical challenges.
Surgeries and the recovery process are challenging. Patients that have undergone rotator cuff, labrum and shoulder replacement surgeries have first-hand knowledge of the challenges and concerns. There is restlessness and sleeplessness, pain and swelling around. The desire for ease and comfort after shoulder surgery has always been the goal. Especially, when a sling is also involved.
As with any surgery, patients that have undergone shoulder surgery have additional anxiety. They’re not only concerned with the recovery process, but also the type of clothing to wear and the best post surgery clothing to help that recovery.. SlingShirt understands shoulder surgeries and invented a solution to the concern of what to wear after shoulder surgery.
Different forms of shoulder surgeries exist. There is the total shoulder replacement, rotator cuff repair and labrum surgeries. Meanwhile, the level of concern for what to wear after shoulder surgery can be as important as the recovery of the shoulder surgery itself.
Embedded magnets allow you to dress yourself, providing a seamless fit
The Recovery
To enhance shoulder recovery and reduce post-surgery concerns, a shoulder surgery shirt can help.
Following shoulder surgery and in the more complex cases of complete shoulder replacement and rotator cuff repair, loose-fitting shirts are recommended. The preferred is a normal-sized shirt that does not require the use of buttons or two hands to get dressed and undressed. Your shoulder surgery shirt should be one less thing you need to worry about.
To help the healing process, Doctors always reinforce the necessity for each patient to eliminate the amount of movement to the surgically repaired shoulder, especially the first week.
Are all Shoulder Surgery Shirts the same?
There’s a preferable way of wearing a shoulder surgery shirt to ensure timely recovery.
Ideally, placing the good arm into the garment before the repaired arm is best. Putting the arm in shoulder surgery shirt first reduces the movement around the surgery area.