Shoulder Surgery Clothing
During a post-shoulder surgery recovery, daily activities can become difficult.
Despite the support from family and friends, one that has undergone shoulder surgery can become exhausted just by getting dressed. Especially, when a sling is added to the new wardrobe.
The seamless mobility that one enjoys is clearly reduced in the post-operative experience. Within hours of a surgery, there is obvious pain and even the thought of putting on shoulder surgery clothing can be overwhelming.
Regardless of how simple wearing shoulder surgery clothing may seem, it still stands as a challenge. The challenge is greater when an arm sling is in use and the patient has undergone an extensive surgical procedure. The clothing desired is apparel that fits into one’s daily life and activities and makes recovery easier.
What to look for in your shoulder surgery clothing.
For the most part, hospitals don’t provide much guidance on post-surgery clothing. Some patients leave hospitals thinking they can wear their normal clothes after their shoulder surgery. The disadvantages of wearing normal everyday clothing and not post-surgery-specific clothing are numerous. First, normal clothing is not made with post-surgical intentions. As such, normal clothing does not possess the features that post-surgical clothing should provide.
Second, everyday clothing can be challenging for patients to get dressed and undress by themselves.
Embedded magnets allow you to dress yourself, providing a seamless fit
Shoulder surgery clothing should also be comfortable and functional.
Surgery clothing should be similar to one’s usual clothing style. SlingShirts look like your typical v-neck athletic shirt. So much so that without a sling or other shoulder recovery aids, the user looks like one that hasn’t undergone shoulder surgery at all and looks like a regular, high quality shirt.
Suitable shoulder surgery clothing from SlingShirt is easy to put on, wear and remove. Take note that the clothing is also soft enough to not promote skin irritation. The clothing should be of a high-quality fabric, so that it looks good and lasts a long time.
Great post-surgery clothing becomes indispensable when it enhances daily movement and eases your rehabilitation. A desirable feature of surgery clothing is the independence it offers. SlingShirt was designed to allow you to dress and undress without the assistance of others and keep your independence.
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